In November 2001, Gender Studies, o.p.s. moved to a new offices, more easily accessible to the public –at Gorazdova 20, Prague 2.
1. Information Centre - Library
The library is open 5 days a week for the public. 400 new readers have joined the library. Gender Studies received a grant from the Ministry of Culture to support an internet connection and a series of seminars for the public on the basic works of feminist literature (“Don’t criticize what you don’t know”), taking place in the Gender Studies Library. It was one of the first grants received by GS from Czech funds.
2. Educational activities
Tuesdays with Gender
The traditional lectures “Tuesdays with Gender” started to be thematized in half-year cycles. The first cycle took place in autumn 2001 under the title “Don’t criticize what you don’t know, or an introduction to basic feminist works”.
Tuesdays with Gender The lecture cycle “Tuesdays with Gender” began to attract not only experts, but also the wider public interested in gender issues.
Authorial readings
Authorial readings started to be organized on regular basis in cooperation with One Woman Press, the publishing house of Marie Chřibková, on the occasions of the publication of a new book.
Trainings and seminars
Six seminars and lectures for public officers of the state administration were conducted on the topic of equal opportunities for women and men, and five seminars were held in different regions.
Deepening the awareness of public officers in the area of equal opportunities – Phare Access 99 programme
3. Work with the public and media
During 2001, a number of articles were published on the activities of Gender Studies, o.p.s. in the form of interviews with representatives or external colleagues of the organisation. Many articles were also written by GS representatives. The number of quotations from GS representatives in electronic and print media increased again the next year.
www.feminismus.cz The website was founded as the first interactive information server run in Czech discussing gender issues and women’s rights. Unfortunately, due to lack of financial support, it was not updated regularly during the first six months of the year. In the second half of 2001, Gender Studies received financial support from the Ford Foundation and developed the website properly.
4. Joint and network projects
Association for Equal Opportunities
In June, the Association held – in conjunction with the Czech Women’s Union and the Union of Catholic Women – a small media campaign in support of the new Governmental Council for Equal Opportunities, which was being founded.
On 10 October, it distributed information leaflets to ministers attending a meeting where the creation of the Council was to be decided.
KARAT Coalition
In 2001, the Coalition concentrated on the improvement of its internal organization and a project on women and the economy.
The Coalition also continued to publish the magazine Fair Play and launched a website www.karat.org, which is run by Gender Studies, o.p.s.
Coordination Circle against Violence against Women
In November, the Circle launched “16 Days of Action against Violence against Women” (25 November until 6 December). GS organized an event in the Ponec Theatre discussing domestic violence and a lecture for the public on “Violence against women – the Czech experience”.
5. Projects
Women’s Memory
In 2001, the project continued primarily on the national level. The team led interviews with women born in 1930-1940. Four seminars were organized – three in the Czech Republic, and one in Bratislava in cooperation with Slovak project partners.
WITEC (Women and the Internet)
Gender Studies, o.p.s. coordinated an international project, Women@Work, which aimed at providing information on possible methods to further education and women’s opportunities in the labour market – especially in areas traditionally dominated by men: science, engineering, and technology. An online database of resources was created on women’s involvement in science, engineering and technology – www.setresource.net.
Women’s Mini-gallery
In the entrance corridor of GS, the Women’s Mini-gallery continued its activities begun in the previous home of the organisation in Národní dům na Smíchově. The following exhibitions were held: Prints and Photographs – Jiřina Zachová and Jana Štěpánová, Anatomy – Hana Růžičková, Realistic Painting – Jana Herajnová. The Mini-gallery began to be coordinated by Gender Studies, o.p.s.