
Education towards respect and tolerance - from teachers to children

Gender Studies, in collaboration with other experts on education, multiculturalism and human rights, create a training program for primary school teachers. They go through a systematic training process aimed at transferring innovative teaching methods where the individuality of each pupil is taken into account and in an effective and sensitive way social and civic competences of children are developed. These methods will then be used in their teaching practice. Each teacher, after completing the individual training module, trains their colleague. The expert group will also focus on transferring know-how to other teachers in schools through a methodological manual that will further develop the knowledge and experience gained during the training. The methodology will be presented to public at a conference at the end of the project in 2019.

Project duration: 1. 2. 2018 - 31. 7. 2019

Gender audits

During two projects, all together 22 gender audits will be carried out at the employers throughout Czech Republic. Internal organizational processes and organizational structure will be analyzed from a gender perspective. The strengths of audited entities as well as critical areas and barriers will be identified; findings will be summarized in the final reports. Specific recommendations and action plans will be made to improve the functioning of organizations in regards to gender equality and work life balance.

Projects duration: 1. 8. 2017 - 31. 8. 2018

Breaking gender stereotypes in practice

The main objective of the project is to strengthen gender equality and to systematically eliminate gender stereotypes, thus contribute to the goals of the Governmental Strategy for Gender Equality in the Czech Republic for 2014-2020. The objectives will be achieved through a combination of complementary key activities that include: information and library services, legal counseling, series of discussion and lectures, online platform and electronic newsletter. All activities together create a synergic effect that contributes to the elimination of gender stereotypes and the promotion of gender equality in the Czech society.

Project duration: 1. 1. 2018 - 31. 12. 2018


Edited: 14.3.18 11:38